How to find your niche in 5 practical ways?

Are you tired of just being another face in this crowded digital world and struggling to get attention from your audience and being unsure how can you create an long- lasting impression in this digital world?

Don’t worry, I you are not alone. 

There are many businesses and creators struggles to find their niche.

Even I was in your situation when I started my online journey.

It was on Friday evening, I was going through my digital marketing courses.

As a part of assignment I was asked to find my niche.

As a beginner and having a no knowledge about what is a niche and how can I figure out was a difficult task for me.

To know about niche, I had watched youtube videos and read almost 10+ blogs on the niche.

After going through all these resources, I understood Health is a one of the niches and got some list of niches to get clarity about the niche.

Still my knowledge about niche is very less to figure out myself.

As I was very curious about Mental Health, I picked up this topic as I was interested and I don’t had the enough knowledge about other niches.

That’s how I started my online journey by picking Mental Health niche.

After few months I understood about niche and How can I find out my find.

In this digital era, finding a niche is crucial because it’s a way to stand out in this digital crowded and attract the right audience.

Here is  guide “How to Find  Your Niche in 5 Practical Ways? Helped to find my niche in a practical way.

And I believe this blog will guide you through find your niche.

What is a Niche?

How to find your niche in 5 practical ways?

People often believe niche is completely related to passion and interest.

Yes, I do agree with this partially.

Niche is not just about passion and interest.

But it’s about having a talent and ability to solve a problem in the market.

In simple words, niche is a having a ability and talent to solve a specific problem in the market.

Now, let’s understand about what are the top three markets.

  • Health 
  • Wealth 
  • Relationship 

And I completely agree, you and your audience are working to improve all these three areas in their life for better living.

People go to work because they want to improve their wealth.

They go to Gym or yoga classes or do workouts because theu want to improve their Health.

People wants to improve their relationship because they want to a companion for a lifetime.

Weather its a Health , Wealth or Relationship, you and our audience wants to improve these for our better life.

Now what’s the next step?

We have learned about top three markets, it’s time to figure out which market do we want to serve.

Now we have decided the marker that we want to serve.

Why having a Niche is Important?

Niche is not just for marketing.

But it’s an actual business.

Having a niche shows

  • What problem are you solving in the market?
  • For whom you are solving the problem?
  • What are the desired, goals are you going to help your audience to get the result?

Here are a few reasons why having a niche is crucial for your business.

1. Identifying Targeted Audience

Niche helps you to find out who is your target audience.

As we seen targeting a specific audience is more effective than shouting out to try to be heard in a crowded market.

It helps to create products and services tailored to them.

2. Reduce Competition

As we are targeting a specific audience, the competition is with fewer businesses and we get a chance to stand out in the crowded market.

3. Building Brand 

Having a niche helps in building our brand and building trust and helps in becoming a niche expert.

Niche is not just a way of marketing your business.

Niche is your actual business.

Niche is your business function

  • For whom are you serving 
  • What is the desired result are you trying to give to your audience
  • What is the method or the framework ( your new method) are using to get their desired results

The more you focus on the desired market, the lesser the competition is going to be there 

Narrowing down your niche helps you to make yourself a category leader.

This category leader will help you to build  your authority and makes you stand in the market 

As for being a category leader, a marketing message will help only if it clear who is your dream customer 

Let me explain the concept of category leader 

I believe many of you have seen on Facebook or other social media mention

Providing Digital Marketing Services 

In their fb  and LinkedIn profile or FB, LinkedIn cover pic, 

And on Instagram in the bio, you may have found it. 

Have you ever thought about the actual service they are providing??

Just think for a minute.

In Digital Marketing they are many services

  • Content Writing
  • Fb ads 
  • Google ads
  • Seo 
  • Email marketing
  • Website Designing

Have you ever thought what is the actual service they are providing??

Now, what’s wrong with this?

The first thing is that it doesn’t provide the right marketing message on whom they are helping or what service they are providing. And for whom they are providing

When your target audience is too broad the competition is going to be too huge.

And it’s more difficult to make us stand out in the market.

Targeting narrow markets will help us to stand out as there is less competition.

Less competition means sharing our marketing message to a specific and right audience.

Let’s see how can you narrow your audience

As we have seen in the above example

Providing Digital Marketing Services.

You can narrow down on solving a specific problem.

  • What service in digital marketing are you going to provide?
  • For whom are you going to provide
  • What outcome are you going to give them 

In the above example when I said providing Digital Marketing Services it became a macro niche and the competition was huge.

When we go with specific services like SEO, Google ads, Facebook ads 

Our service has become clear and the competition has less.

Be specific with your service and who is your target audience ( your target market)

As there are three markets where you and your target marketing are working to improve any one of these markets.

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Relationship

Health – As you and your target audience want to live a healthy life 

Wealth – You and your target audience want to improve their quality of life

Relationship – You and your audience want a companion who can support and take care of you 

Everyone is working or improving in this area in their life.

  • Now it’s your time to choose which market you want to serve  (Macro niche )
  • Whom do you want to serve ( Micro niche )
  • What is the specific problem you want to solve or what is the service do you want to provide

Our communication with our audience becomes more specific when we focus on micro niches.

Few of other benefits of going with micro niche

  • Be clear with who our targeted market
  • Less competition and able to be a category leader
  • Able to stand out in the market 
  • Being a category leader
  • Attracting right audience
  • Delivery of our message to the right people

How to Find your Niche in 5 Practical Ways?

Step 1: Identify what you are naturally good at 

Identifying what comes naturally to you.

This is aligned with what is your strength, weakness, and talent.

Master that skill that comes naturally to you.

Step 2: Make sure you don’t hate the niche

I disagree with the concept of following your passion.

Yes, I believe you need to have an interest in what you’re doing.

But it doesn’t mean you should have a passion for what you are doing.

Figure out in which area you have a little interest or which area you are curious to learn and explore.

Step 3: Choose your target market 

What is a niche and 5 simple ways to find a niche?

After figuring out what comes naturally to you, identify which market you want to work with.

As we have seen three markets

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Relationship 

Now, identify which market does right for what comes naturally to you.

Which market do you want to work with?

The figure which market you have a  basic understanding of.

It’s a myth of being an expert in a field.

To choose your market you need to be an expert in the field.

You just need a basic understanding of the market.

Nobody starts their journey when they become an expert.

Everybody starts with a basic understanding and then they become an expert over time after working on it for a long time.

People don’t care how much you know about the topic or the field.

They care about how can you help them and do you care for their success. 

This is what your audience cares about.

Let’s say I have chosen a Wealth Niche. 

Now the wealth niche is too broad and there are too many categories in the wealth niche which we can’t help with every category.

In the wealth niche, this is a loss of category

  • Make money online 
  • Trading
  • Real estate
  • Insurance
  • Stock
  • Crypto
  • Bitcoin

And now we can’t solve all the problems.

Step 4: Choose a micro niche (sub-market)

How to find your niche in 5 practical ways?

Let’s make it even more specific about who we want to serve.

Is it going to be crypto? Make money online? Stock? Trading?

Let’s figure out what you want to go with.

Let’s take making money online.

I go even more specifically to make money online.

How am I going to help make money online??

Even to make money online there are many categories.

Let’s take coaching.

Now my micro market ( that is the sub-market) is clear with whom I am going to serve. 

Coaching will be my niche.

Step 5: Create your Ideal Customer Avatar

Focusing on one niche is what makes a profit.

Now, let’s go even deeper and more specifically whom I want to serve.

I know most of you will say, coaches. 

But understand

If everyone is your targeted audience then no one is your audience.

Be specific.

Be specific with the coaches you want to help.

In coaching, they are many coaches with different niches 

  • Weight loss coach
  • Relationship coach
  • Weight gain coach
  • Mindset coach
  • Affiliate marketing coach
  • Career coach
  • Business Coach 

Now choose any one of them 

Let’s take an affiliate marketing coach.

Now it’s time to create a customer avatar 

Let’s understand about audience 

Creating custom avatars based on their

  • Age
  • Demographics
  •  Working Professional
  • Gender

Now getting this information will help you to get clarity on what they are doing and what they are looking for 

For going even deeper let’s say understand

  • What is their desire? 
  • What are their pain points?
  • What is stopping them? 

You have missed something. 

Have you seen I already found my niche and am clear with my customer Ideal avatar and get to know more about them?

Figuring out all now it’s time to validate your niche.

  • Validate your niche by seeing your competitors
  • Validate your niche by searching by keywords

Myths about Niche?

  • More Niche More Profit

Have you ever read this 

The man who  chases  two rabbits chases neither

I have seen most people making this mistake.

Most of them believe more niches will result in more profit.

It’s a bigger myth.

When you focus on multiple things at a time you get done none.

Focusing on one thing will help you to get done with the done 

The same applies to niches as well 

Focus on one niche. 

  • Choosing a profitable niche instead of your interest

Most of them think a profitable niche will result in more profit.

Let me tell the truth. I know it’s hard 

There is nothing called a profitable niche.

Profitable niche keeps changing.

Focus on what comes naturally to you or figure what is your interest or curiosity 

  • Once I pick the niche I can’t change it 

Don’t get married to your niche keep dating your niche until you find the right one.

Most creators are scared to change their niche.

Changing your niche is a completely fine 

Finding a niche is not a one-time process.

It keeps changing until you find the right one.

Keep exploring tk different niches until you find one.

  • I need to be an expert in my niche

Nobody started their journey as an expert.

They all started small and became an expert after working for a year.

You just need to be a step ahead of your audience.

Mistakes people make when they are choosing a niche

  • Not narrowing down enough
  • Targeting everyone
  • Not understanding market needs 
  • Unclear about your dream customer
  • Thinking niche is your product
  • Not delivering your message to your audience 
  • Focusing on earning more money

Why you can Change your Niche?

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship and online business, the concept of finding your niche has been drilled into our heads repeatedly.

“Find your niche and stick to it,” they say. But what if I told you that you can change your niche and still thrive? Yes, you heard it right.

Contrary to popular belief, shifting your niche is not only acceptable but can also be incredibly beneficial for your personal and professional growth.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why you can change your niche and how doing so can lead to new opportunities, increased creativity, and long-term success.

Embracing Growth and Evolution

The first step in understanding why you can change your niche is to embrace the idea of growth and evolution.

As individuals, we are constantly evolving, learning, and discovering new interests and passions.

What may have sparked our enthusiasm yesterday might not necessarily ignite the same fire within us tomorrow.

And that’s perfectly okay.

Our interests and skills are not static; they evolve over time, influenced by our experiences, surroundings, and personal development journey.

Adaptability in the Digital Age

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, adaptability is key to survival. Markets change, consumer preferences evolve, and new technologies emerge at a rapid pace.

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we must be willing to pivot and adapt to stay relevant and competitive.

Changing your niche can be a strategic move to align your business with emerging trends, tap into new markets, or capitalize on untapped opportunities.

By embracing change, you position yourself as a dynamic and forward-thinking entrepreneur ready to seize the next big thing.

Unlocking Creativity and Innovation

Sticking to the same niche for too long can lead to creative stagnation and burnout.

Exploring new niches allows you to tap into different creative wellsprings, sparking fresh ideas and innovative solutions.

The cross-pollination of ideas from diverse fields can lead to breakthroughs that would have been impossible within the confines of a single niche.

By venturing into new territory, you challenge yourself to think outside the box, fostering creativity and innovation that can propel your business to new heights.

Expanding Your Skill Set

Changing your niche often entails acquiring new skills and knowledge. Whether it’s mastering a new industry, learning a different set of tools and technologies, or honing your marketing strategies to cater to a different audience, stepping out of your comfort zone pushes you to grow and expand your skill set.

These newfound skills not only enrich your professional repertoire but also increase your versatility and adaptability in an ever-changing market landscape.

Building Resilience and Resourcefulness

Navigating the uncertainties of entrepreneurship requires resilience and resourcefulness.

Changing your niche challenges you to adapt to unfamiliar environments, overcome obstacles, and learn from failures.

It teaches you to embrace uncertainty and see setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than roadblocks.

As you navigate through uncharted waters, you develop a resilient mindset that equips you to thrive in the face of adversity, setting the stage for long-term success.

Responding to Market Trends and Consumer Needs

Consumer preferences and market trends are constantly evolving, driven by changing demographics, cultural shifts, and technological advancements.

Changing your niche allows you to stay ahead of the curve and respond proactively to emerging trends and evolving consumer needs.

By staying attuned to market dynamics and consumer behavior, you position yourself as a market leader and innovator, capable of delivering products and services that resonate with your target audience.

Inspiring Others Through Your Journey

Finally, changing your niche can inspire others who are on their own entrepreneurial journey.

By sharing your experiences, challenges, and successes, you become a source of inspiration and motivation for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking guidance and encouragement.

Your willingness to embrace change and pursue your passions authentically empowers others to do the same, fostering a culture of innovation, creativity, and resilience within the entrepreneurial community.

As you embark on your journey of niche exploration and discovery, remember that your story has the power to inspire others to chase their dreams and redefine what’s possible in their own lives.


Finding a niche is the process of figuring out what you are good at or finding the area of your interest. It’s not a one time process it keeps changing until you find the right now. Creating a customer avatar will help to get clarity on who is your dream customer and can be able to deliver the right message to the right audience .

Let me know How did you found your niche in the comments.

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